2023 Wood Buffalo Youth Chess Challenge

Online Registration Dead line : January 21, 2023 Saturday 1:00 pm
Entry fee: $35 ( FMCC members $25)
This is an ACA ( Alberta Chess Association) tournament as a qualifier
for the Alberta Chess Challenge 2023 played in Red Deer on April 8, 2023.
Tournament date and place:
January, 22 2023 10:00 am – 3:00pm (approximately)
Doors open and registration starts at 9:30am
@ Keyano College Bob Lamb building
Organizers : Jaiveek Dave, David Wu
Tournament Director : Michael Jenkinsgrunsky
Arbiter : Joseph Mugodo
Tournament Schedule:
9:30 am Check-in
10:00am Tournament games start ( Please be on time)
11:30 -12:15PM Lunch Break ( Please bring your own lunch. )
( Lunch time might vary for each section )
2:00 - 2:30PM Tournament ends & Ceremony ( may vary depending on the progress )
Younger grades ( grade 1-3) will most likely finish earlier. We will email you if they are likely finishing. Please watch out for the email. Games may continue longer for students in higher grades( grade 4 -12) .
Tie-breaks ( if necessary) and awards: immediately after the completion of the last round
Format :
The exact format of each section will depend on the number of participants but players should expect to play 5 games.
Time Control :
Game in 25minutes with a 5 second delay.
Special rules:
No agreed draws are allowed before move 25. Players are not allowed to talk to anyone ( including parents, coaches, and other participants) except the TD during their games. It is forbidden for players to have cell phones, or other electronic communication, computer, or media devices in the tournament room.
Two illegal moves will lead to loss of a game.
Prizes in each secion ( School Grade):
1st Place : 1st place gold medal, $25 travel grant and a free entry to the 2020 Alberta Chess Challenge ( ACC)
2nd Place : 2nd place silver medal and $15 travel grant to ACC.
3rd Place : 3rd place bronze medal and $15 travel grant to ACC.
Top girl : medal
All the other participants will receive participants medals.
2020 Alberta Chess Challenge will be held in Red Deer on April 8. Travel grant holders must provide receipts to be reimbursed for their travel expenses.
To be eligible for travel grants, a player must be a member of the Fort McMurray Chess Club.
Payment Informtaion :
***All participants including Fort McMurray Chess Club members must pay the entry fee. ***
Entry fee:
$35 ( FMCC members $25) Payment deadline is January 20, 6PM by Etransfer to : payfmcc@gmail.com
This is set to be auto-deposit so you will not need to set up password and question.
No registration or payment is accepted on site.
Please include the first and and last name of the child payment is for in the memo when you use email transfer in order for us to identify who paid.